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On mukava foorumi jo kauan sitten olen huomannut, että ne lisäävät leviämistä joissakin tapauksissa, joten et voi huomata sitä Mutta minun automaattiset komentosarjat havaitsivat, että levitteet ovat Entistä suurempia, kun on litteä markkinapaikka ja ei ilmeisiä syitä saada laajempaa Joten he saavat ylimääräistä tuloa ja me menettää joitakin etuja saadaksesi enemmän voittoa Se on sinun tyydyttää K heitä kuitenkin kannustavat kaikkia kauppiaita siirtymään toiseen välittäjään. Ole hyvä ja anna joitain kommentteja, jos sinulla on sama ongelma. Ei aina, että olet törmännyt välittäjään, jolla on mahdollisuus tehdä asenne. Onneksi selvin asian Amiraali ystäväni kanssa, joka on käynyt kauppaa heidän kanssaan jo jonkin aikaa ja nyt minäkin kaupankäynnin heitä Voinko sanoa paljon muutakin kuin olen kiitollinen viimeisten kuukausien aikana Minusta tuntuu kuin olisin toisella tasolla kokonaan, kaupankäynnin viisas Tunne Mahtavaa. 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Kun työskentelemme luokituksessamme, käyttäjä voi soveltaa erilaisia ​​datasuodattimia, maksu - ja peruutusvaihtoehtoja, kumppanuusohjelmia, talletusmaksuja jne., Mikä parantaa päätösten laatua Jotka liittyvät mihin tahansa annettuihin Forex-välittäjiin Vaihtoehdot tarjoavat vierailijoillemme vertailla ja valitsemalla forex-välittäjät, etsimään tiettyjä elementtejä tai työkaluja, hankkimaan objektiivisia tietoja mistä tahansa luetelluista välittäjistä, mukaan lukien yrityksen pääoma, tarjotut kaupankäyntialustat, maksut jne. Tekninen näkökulma on nopea ja kätevä foorumi, jonka avulla käyttäjät voivat hankkia tarvittavan valuuttamääräisen vastauksen lyhyessä ajassa Mikä on mahdollista ja jatkamme eteenpäin päivittäin yhteistyössä sivuston käytännön toimijoiden kanssa, mikä tekee foorumistamme informatiivisemmaksi, monipuolisemmaksi ja käyttäjäystävällisemmäksi. Miten valita oikeat Forex-välittäjät. 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Vaikka tällainen media-saturaatio voi olla ylivoimainen, se on ymmärrettävää Että valuuttakaupankäynnin ilmiön kannattavuus herättäisi tällaista kiinnostusta Tässä pelissä on suuria rahaa Itse asiassa valuuttamarkkinoiden rahasummaa ei tuskin voida ajatella useimmille ihmisille Viimeisimpien tietojen, ihmisten ja yritysten ympärillä Maailmankaupasta yli 4 biljoonaa valuuttamarkkinoilla joka päivä Joten seuraavalla kerralla näet mainoksen forex-välittäjille, tiedät, että he ovat vain yksi niistä monista, jotka yrittävät voittoa valuuttakaupasta. Kuitenkin suuri mahdollisuus ansaita tai epäonnistua Tarkoittaa, että sinun on tehtävä due diligence valittaessa välittäjää työskentelemään Tässä on hyvä peukalon sääntö Älä tuomitse kirjaa sen kannessa Älä arvioi potentiaalista välittäjää hänen fancy-sivustollaan tai lupauksilla He kaikki väittävät olevansa Parasta Mutta olet täällä vastuussa, ja sinun on arvioitava potentiaalisia välittäjiä ja tehtävä lopullinen päätös Lopulta urasi ja rahanne ovat vaarassa. Tarkoituksena on valita paras Forex-välittäjä. Onneksi on olemassa tiettyjä rul Esitteet ja vinkit, jotka kannattaa harkita, kun valitset Forex-välittäjät. Ensinnäkin suosittelemme, että tarkistat potentiaalisen keskimmäisen miehen maineen Lähes jokaisessa maassa on virallisia laitoksia, jotka antavat valuutan kaupankäyntitodistuksia ja suojaavat käyttäjiä petoksilta ja manipuloinnista. Yhdysvallat, nämä instituutiot ovat National Futures Association ja Commodity Futures Trading Commission Tarkista kaikkien mahtavan välittäjän maineen jonkin näistä laitoksista on vähiten voit tehdä suojautua huijareilta ja epäeettisistä forex-välittäjistä, jotka haluavat vain Ota rahaa. Seuraavan harkintasi tulisi olla asiakaspalvelu Vaikka valtaosa forex-välittäjistä sanovat, että he tarjoavat 24 tunnin tukia, todellisuudessa saattaa olla, että vietät enemmän pidemmäksi kuin kommunikoimalla taloudellisen edustajan kanssa Jotta vältät ongelman, yritä tehdä Muutama testipuhelu ja varmista, että forex-välittäjät, jotka olet kiinnostunut, voivat tarjota palvelua, joka olisi eniten Sopii yrityksellesi Voit käyttää näitä testipuheluita tai live-keskusteluja kysymäksesi lisäkysymyksiä etenkin mahdollisesta välittäjän kaupankäynnistä ja aiemmista tuloksista. Hyvän forex-välittäjän etsiminen voi olla stressaavaa Mutta ole kärsivällinen ja kestää jonkin aikaa etsimiseen ja Testaa erilaisia ​​vaihtoehtoja Älä kiirehdi, koska se voi johtaa taloudelliseen katastrofiin Lopuksi, jos sinulla on oikea palvelu käden ulottuvilla, voit käyttää enemmän aikaa talousstrategian luomiseen, yksityiskohtaisen analyysin kehittämiseen ja siihen, mitä Se vie menestyä valuuttamarkkinoilla. Xtrade tarjoaa parhaan online-CFD-kaupankäynnin ja online-forex-kaupankäynnin Nauti Xtrade-sijoitusportaalista, joka täyttää sijoitustarpeesi kaikki johtavat markkinat, saumaton cross-platform access ja edistykselliset kaupankäynnin työkalut, joiden avulla voit kaupata parhaiten Mikä tahansa valintasi CFD-kaupankäynnin tai online-valuutan kaupankäynnin yhteydessä, Xtrade antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden saavuttaa enemmän. Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään Xtrade. Trading CFDs liittyy merkittävään tappioriskiin Trading FX CFDs merkitsee huomattavaa riskin tasoa ja voit menettää kaiken sijoitetun pääoman Varmista, että ymmärrät riskit. Tämä sivusto käyttää evästeitä Käyttämällä tätä sivustoa Suostut käyttämään evästeitä Lue tietosuojakäytäntömme. Haluat olla Forex-kauppiaan. Haluat olla mukana tässä välittäjäluettelossa. Lähetä sähköpostia osoitteeseen.- LEVERAGE Hallitsee oman pääoman ehtoista marginaalivaihetta E g 50 1 Vipuvaikutus tarkoittaa sitä, että voit ottaa 5000 kauppaa tililläsi vain 100. Huomaa, että suuri vipuvaikutus voi toimia sekä sinun että sinun puolestasi - Vähintään 50-vuotiaita suurille yrityksille ja 20 1 alaikäisille ei ole kaupallisia toimijoita Yhdysvalloissa - Kuten luettelossa mainitaan, Yhdysvaltain asiakkaiden käytettävissä on ainoastaan ​​NFA-säännellyt välittäjät. Broker tarjoaa vaihtelevia leviämisiä, mikä tarkoittaa, että leviämiset ovat nykyisten markkinaehtojen alaisia. 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Aktiivinen kaupankäynti Tehtävämme on olla paras resurssi käytettävissä oleviin tietoihin, jotka tekevät kaupankäynnin kokemuksesta maailman suurimmilla markkinoilla sekä kannattavaa että nautittavaa. Tervetuloa ja Good Luck. OptiLab Partners AB Fatburs Brunnsgata 31 118 28 Tukholma Ruotsi. Vaihto marginaalilla on suuri riski, eikä se ehkä sovi kaikkiin sijoittajiin Vipuvaikutus voi toimia sekä sinua että sinua vastaan ​​Ennen kuin päätät investoida valuutanvaihtoon, sinun on harkittava huolellisesti investointitavoitteitasi, kokemustasosi ja riskinottohalukkuutta. Tätä sivustoa koskevia tietoja tai mielipiteitä ei pidä pyytää tai tarjota Ostaa tai myydä mitään valuuttaa, pääomaa tai muita rahoitusvälineitä tai palveluita Aiempi tuotto ei ole merkki tai takuu tulevasta toiminnasta Lue meiltä oikeudellinen vastuuvapauslauseke. 2015 OptiLab Partners AB Kaikki oikeudet pidätetään. Tervetuloa FOREX-kaupankäyntiin Sinä EI 1 RESSOURCE SUURIMMAN KATSAUS FX BROKER WORLDWIDE. There are FORDES välittäjän outoja, mutta vain muutamat ovat luotettavia, jotta voisimme päästä vertailutasollemme. Miksi sinun pitäisi antaa rahoillesi muille pankeille kuin parhaiten? Vai rakastatko riskiä menettää rahastoasi. Mikä on Forex Trading. Forex, joka tunnetaan myös valuuttamarkkinoilla tai FX on valuuttamarkkinoiden lyhyt muoto. Nämä markkinat ovat hajautettuja maailmanlaajuisesti kaupan helpottamiseksi Eri valuuttojen välillä. Jos nettomarkkinatoiminnan volyymilla mitattuna se on maailman suurin markkinapaikka Suuret kansainväliset pankit ovat markkinoiden tärkeimpiä toimijoita Kaupankäynti tapahtuu arkisin eri finanssikeskusten kanssa maailmanlaajuisesti, jotka toimivat ankkureina sallimalla Kaupankäynti useiden myyjien ja ostajien välillä Valuuttamarkkinoiden suhteelliset hinnat määräytyvät valuuttamarkkinoiden mukaan. Forex kaupankäynnin kohteena. Ei ole myöskään klassinen tapa sijoittaa, Forex-treding on yksi kannattavimmista tavoista sijoittaa rahaa. Oppiminen today. Forex kaupankäynnin investointeja. Vaikka Forex kaupankäynti on hyvin erilainen kuin muut passiiviset investoinnit kuten kiinteistöjen, sijoitusrahastojen tai joukkovelkakirjalainojen, mutta se on erittäin suosittu investointien valtava määrä ihmisiä maailmassa. On olemassa useita tekijöitä Jonka sijoittajan on harkittava ennen kuin päätetään sellaisesta sijoituksesta, joka todennäköisimmin johtaa suurimpaan tuottoon Joka voi tehdä tai rikkoa sopimuksen mahdolliselle sijoittajalle, on sijoitetun pääoman likviditeetti. Likviditeetti on erittäin tärkeä näkökohta kaikille henkilöille, jotka haluavat osallistua aktiivisesti kaikkiin mahdollisiin mahdollisuuksiin, joihin sisältyy lyhytaikaisia ​​sijoitusmahdollisuuksia. On tunnettu tosiasia, ettei mikään muu markkinat voi kilpailla forexin kanssa likviditeetin suhteen, sillä päivittäin tapahtuu yli 3 triljoonaa USD: n liiketapahtumaa. Forex mahdollistaa suuren joustavuuden ja vapauden sijoittajalle, koska he pystyvät tekemään Voittoa molempien suuntaan sen arvopaperin arvosta, johon liiketoimet perustuvat. Toinen argumentti Forexin hyväksi sijoitus on helppokäyttöisyys ja valvonta, joka ei ole vertaansa vailla minkään muun sijoitusmuodon avulla. Sijoittajilla on kyky tutkia ja Käytä Forex-sijoituksiaan mistä tahansa maasta maapallolla Internetin välityksellä Älypuhelimen ja älypuhelimen vallankumous on mahdollistanut kaupankäynnin siirtymään app-pohjaisiin Käyttäjät voivat heittää kaupankäynnin käyttämällä puhelinta käden kämmenen. Voinko saada miljonääri forex trading. Do sinua ihmetellä, jos on olemassa tapa saada miljonääri kaupankäynnin forex Lyhyt vastaus kyllä, se voisi Saat Forex-miljonääriä. Kun ymmärrät perusasiat ja sovitat optimaaliset strategiat, Forex voi tulla yksi kannattavimmista menetelmiin ansaita rahaa. Maailmanlaajuisen penetraation ansiosta on olemassa lukuisia mahdollisuuksia ja valtava mahdollisuudet suuriin voittoihin Marginaalit, jotka ovat mahdollistaneet lukemattomien ihmisten tulevan miljonääreiksi käymällä kauppaa valuuttamarkkinoilla Sijoitusstrategian selkeällä määrittelemällä ja valitsemalla vain tietyt tietopohjanne valituilla valuuttamuodoilla voit helposti aloittaa menestyksekkään sijoitusuran Forex-kaupankäynnissä ja olla oman Tapa tulla miljonääri. Ymmärtääkseen miljoonan dollarin unelma, on tärkeää, että sijoittaja pysyy aina hyvin suunnitellussa kaupankäyntisuunnitelmassanne ja minimoi riskitason p Ossible On erittäin tärkeää saada syvällistä tietoa valuuttakaupasta ja sen sisäisestä toiminnasta On tärkeää ymmärtää, että tämä on liiketoimintaa kuin mikä tahansa muu ja vaatii kovaa työtä, kärsivällisyyttä ja omistautumista kasvaa ja menestyä. Päätöksiä ja hallitsemalla tunteita oikein, voit alkaa harjoittaa kunnioitettavaa rahaa säännöllisesti. On väistämätöntä, että sinun on kohdattava epäonnistumisia ja menetyksiä joskus, mutta on tarpeen oppia näistä virheistä ja yrittää yrittää, kunnes onnistut Forex-kaupankäynnin maailma on täynnä erinomaisia ​​ihmisiä, jotka ovat tunnettuja ympäri maailmaa menestyksestä ja ylivoimaisista tuloksista, joita he ovat saavuttaneet. Forex-kaupankäynti aloittelijoille. Forex-markkinoiden aloittelija voi olla erittäin pelottava kokemus Monimutkaisuus ja nopea vauhti luonteen vaihteluista ja markkinoiden muutoksista. Siksi on välttämätöntä, että aloittelija tuntee kaikki terminologiat ja kaupan strategiat, jotta vältetään suuret riskit Kaupoista ja niihin liittyvistä tappioista. Markkinointituntia forex. Forex-markkinoilla toimii lähes ympäri vuorokauden Mutta voitko kaupata lauantaina tai sunnuntaina Useiden uusien alojen kysymyksiä kysytään, joten tässä on vastaus. Jonka aikana kauppiaat voivat ostaa, myydä ja vaihtaa valuuttoja. Forex-markkinapaikka toimii ympäri vuorokauden maanantaista perjantaihin Markkinat pysyvät kiinni arkisin, joten kaupankäynti lauantaisin ja sunnuntaisin ei ole mahdollista. Markkina toimii kansainvälisesti ja koostuu Pankkeja, hedge-rahastoja, kaupallisia yrityksiä, sijoittajia ja vähittäiskauppiaiden välittäjiä, jotka toimivat useilla aikavyöhykkeillä Markkinoilla on kansainvälisen luonteensa ja eri aikavyöhykkeiden vuoksi melkein missä tahansa ajankohdassa. Koska forexia ei hallitseva Yhtenäismarkkinat, mutta koostuu maailmanlaajuisesta verkosta, sen markkina-ajat ovat käyttötuntien summa kussakin osallistujamaassa. Kun markkina-ajat ovat näissä maissa päällekkäin 08.00-05.00 EST. Foreksin valuuttakursseja. Valuutan valuuttakurssi määritellään kyseisen valuutan kanssa ostettavan ulkomaanvaluutan määräarvona. Sanat, se on kurssi, jolla kyseinen valuutta voi vaihtaa jonkin muun valuutan kanssa. Valuuttakurssit toimivat vapaasti kelluvana järjestelmänä ja arvo valuutat voivat vaihdella toisiinsa riippuen markkinoiden kysynnän ja tarjonnan ominaispiirteistä. Tähän kaikki valuuttakurssit muuttuvat jatkuvasti ja ovat riippuvaisia ​​valtavasta joukosta tekijöitä ja olosuhteita, jotka voivat olla taloudellisia, sosiaalisia, poliittisia tai jopa psykologisia. Kuten valuuttakauppias, voit tehdä rahaa hyödyntäen tätä vaihtelua Valuutan vaihtokurssit sinun hyväksi Sijoittajat ostavat valuutan, kun sen suhteellinen arvo on alhainen valuuttamarkkinoilla ja myydä se pois, kun arvo nousee. E valuutalla on voittoa elinkeinonharjoittajalle. Tarkastelemalla huolellisesti markkinatrendejä tilastotietojen ja aiempien kokemusten perusteella voidaan tietyn valuutan arvonmuutoksesta tehdä oikeudenmukainen ennuste ajan mittaan ja voit käyttää tätä tietämystä sijoittaaksesi hyvin Kasvatetut vedot tietystä valuutasta saadakseen voittoa Kaupankäyntistrategioiden huolellinen muotoilu ja asiantuntijaneuvonnan jälkeen voi auttaa sinua aloittamaan voitot valuuttakaupasta lyhyessä ajassa. Usein kaupankäynnin kohteena olevia yhdistelmiä. Voit vaihtaa jokaisen valuutan parin, jonka haluat. Yhdistelmiä kaupataan erittäin raskas Näillä markkinoilla löydät ostajia millisekunteina. Useimmat käydään kauppaa Forex-yhdistelmiä. Vaikka kauppiailla on kyky käydä kauppaa useilla maailmanlaajuisilla valuutoilla, jotkut valuuttaparit käyvät kauppaa korkeimmillaan. Joitakin kaikkein vaihdetuista valuuttaparista ja tutkia syytä niiden laajaan suosioon. EUR USD Yhdysvaltain dollari Tämä on suosituin valuuttaparin w USA: n ja Euroopan talouksien taloudellisen paremmuuden ja vakauden takia Se osuus on kolmasosa kaikista valuuttamarkkinoilla tehdyistä sopimuksista. USD Yhdysvaltain dollari Japanin jeni Tämä on toiseksi eniten myyty valuuttaparin ja on ollut erittäin herkkä poliittisille tunteille ja Amerikan Yhdysvaltojen ja Japanin kaltaisten itämaiden välisten politiikkojen välillä. GBP USD Ison-Britannian punta Yhdysvaltain dollari USA: n ja Ison-Britannian taloudellisen vahvuuden takia tämä pari on varsin suosittu. USD CAD Yhdysvaltain dollari Kanadan dollari Vaikka se onkin Neljänneksi, on suositeltava näiden kahden valuutan vakauden ja kahden kansakunnan välisten positiivisten suhteiden ansiosta. USD CHF Yhdysvaltain dollari Swill Franc Sveitsin frangi on yksi turvallisimmista valuutoista, ja sen yhdistäminen Yhdysvaltain dollariin johtaa sen suosioon. AUD USD Australian dollari Yhdysvaltain dollari Molemmat valuutat ovat suhteellisen vakaina ja tukevat suuret maailman voimat. Taloudellinen kalenteri. Waht tapahtuu tänään tai tomorro W suurimmissa kansantaloustieteissä Tietämys uuden tiedon saamisesta markkinoiden tapahtumista on rahan arvoista. Taloudellinen kalenteri. Jotta valuuttakaupasta saataisiin menestyksekkäästi aikaan, on ennustettava markkinoiden liikkumista ja toimittava näillä tiedoilla Hyvissä ajoin Vaikka markkinoilla on suuria odottamattomia vaihteluita, asiantuntijat ja erittäin kokeneet toimijat analysoivat jatkuvasti erilaisia ​​taloudellisia tapahtumia ennustamalla valuuttakurssien ja markkinoiden muutoksia. Taloudellinen kalenteri on yksi helpoimmista tavoista pysyä erilaisten Markkinoiden muutokset ja pienet riskinottomat vedot, joiden positiivinen taloudellinen tuotto vaihtelee suuresti. Voit luoda oman taloudellisen kalenterin manuaalisesti ylläpitämällä luettelon tärkeimmistä indikaattoreista ja päivittämällä ne säännöllisesti verkkohakutuksella. Voit myös käyttää online-kalentereita, jotka Tarjoavat useat rahoituslaitokset ja välittäjät, jotka päivittävät tiedot automaattisesti, jotta voit analysoida ja käyttää. Forex signa Lx. Forex-signaalit ovat välttämättömiä hyvän kaupankäynnin kannalta. Nämä signaalit tarvitsevat lähes kaikki, jotka ovat kaupankäynnin näillä markkinoilla. On joitain hyviä hälytyspalveluita. Forex-kaupankäynnin strategioita. On olemassa useita temppuja ja strategioita, joita ihmiset käyttävät voidakseen yrittää Menestyä Forex-alalla. Vaikka valuuttakaupankäynti on jotain, jota ei voi oppia sydämestäsi tai olla täysin turvallinen, mutta on kaupankäynnin strategioita, jotka on kehitetty ja testattu vuosien ajan asiantuntijoiden menestyä riippuen erilaisista tekijöistä, kuten teknisestä käytöstä Kaavioita, numeroita ja luottaa markkinoiden ymmärtämiseen nykyisiin tapahtumiin nähden. Vaikka jotkin strategiat ovat melko kuuluisia ja niitä käytetään laajalti, niitä käytetään vain pienellä määrällä kauppiaita, strategiat voivat vaihdella niiden monimutkaisuuden mukaan Vaiheet ja niiden soveltaminen Strategia on aina tärkeää, jotta voit menestyä teidän forex pyrkimyksiä Miksi strategia on tärkeää ja miten se vaikuttaa maailman kauppiaille F forex on keskusteltu osassa. Hyvin suunniteltu strategia hyvän ohjauksen kanssa on kaikki, mitä tarvitset kääntääksesi tulevaisuutesi ja huonosti suunnitellulla strategialla voi olla yhtä suuria tuhoisia vaikutuksia. Rahoitusstrategiat tekevät voittajista. Monet aloittelijat aloittavat forex-kaupankäynnin ilman mitään Ajatus strategiasta Tämä on kaulan rikkomatta tekniikka ja saa sinut menettämään rahaa pitkällä aikavälillä Strategiat ovat kuin ilma, jonka hengität. Millä uutisilla on vaikutusta valuuttakursseihin Ja millä tavalla he menevät, kun he tulevat ulos Tämä on kysymys Uutisten päivämäärien perusteella Forex kauppiaat Lue lisää siitä. Politiikkaan perustuvat strategiat. WAR What is it good for Absolutely NOTHING - Edwin Star did not know, that trading on political statements could be a win for SHORT traders But not everybody wants to trade events like this. Political based Forex trading. Different political statements across the world can impact the forex trading market While some amateur users are completely dependent on economic charts and news for making decisions and on the other hand the experienced forex traders look out for the political statements and adjust their trades accordingly to the impact. Traders can follow market analysis along with economic calendars and entail the use of news and political trends to determine any shifts in the market and be on the better winning side. Various important announcements such as relating to wars, politics of a country or news relating directly to the currency can change and influence the value of currencies depending on the impact of the decision on public or the nation as a whole and the related currency p airing With keeping updated constantly and following the right sources for analysis and economic calendars you can make early and beneficiary decisions as early as possible for best gain. Economical based strategies. What is the output of an economy And how will it change compared to other countries A middle or long term change in competitiveness of a country can be tradet like a company share. Economical based Forex trading. There can be different aspects of trading and in forex trading people can choose to buy the currency of a country for a period of time after which it will be bought back at rates higher than the original This can be simply considered as lending of money and comes through repurchase agreements known as repo The lender of the money is the buyer of a repo and the seller is the borrower of money. In earlier days the amount of gold available with a country stated the creditworthiness of the country and more and more countries kept hoarding gold in order to increase their mo netary value but now that has changed and the structure and functioning of any country s central bank can be used to determine the future for its currency to a certain extent If the central bank is strong and not driven by debts then the currency is likely to proceed if the country is backed by resources for income. This is a combination of some more Forex tactics The basic is to find some indicators in real economics, to try to explain what in future happens Is a country underrated. Fundamental Forex Analysis trading. Fundamental analysis is a combination of two words which mean studying the economic position and credit worthiness of countries so that traders can get help in trading currencies efficiently Fundamental analysis is quite often used in the forex trading markets by different traders using various technologies to benefit them in several ways. The fundamental analysis basically is measuring the impact of political as well as economical decisions taken by the country and the impa ct of those decisions on the currency in which you are trading The figures and statements given by politicians as well as economists in their speeches or declarations to the public are quite important as it can easily determine the impact on the currency and the forex market Traders have strategies for such economic announcements esp by U S prior to their declaration and be prepared for the impact. Forex Technology. There are a number of forex trading technologies, while some of these trading technologies provided by major companies such as FOREXTrader Pro which is a platform developed according to forex traders with quality functions which can be performed easily along with giving high performance. FOREXTrader PRO is available on desktop for desktops as well as smartphones for both Apple as well as Android versions MetaTrader 4 is another trading platform which traders use quite often due to its transparency and other features while there are other platforms also available depending on t he regions such as GTX Forex ECN which is a good platform for professional forex traders. While most of the trading websites offer these trading platforms and technologies which users can use for trading, people can also choose to buy these software s for themselves and built trading platforms for themselves or other clients You can either choose to be an online trader at the websites in case you have lesser amount of money to begin with or be a broker in case you have ample amount of savings. Online trading platforms. Nearly every Forex trading bank provides an online platform to trade Forex currencies It is the easiest way to start with trading But for scalping it is not the best way. Online Forex trading platforms. Online trading platforms are provided by a number of websites, they can either provide the traders with plug ins and software for installation which will become active on being connected to the internet while in other trading platforms it is relatively different as all the tr ading charts and platforms operate from the servers of the website. Different websites and trading platforms offer various benefits over the others The applications and features offered by different platforms form their benefits as well as disadvantages While the user must be able to customize and access more and more information possible there is a limitation to this technicality since the user should not be bombarded with useless information and the trading platform should be able to perform the trickiest functions with ease While some platforms might be quite powerful and useful for trading they also need to have a friendly interface so that beginners are also helped in their trading process instead of just focusing on the professional traders only. Downloadable Tools. This is a good way to trade Forex, without the delay of You get every tick through a fast gateway Also there is the oppotunity to trade automatically. This is the best known platform for Forex trading But not only Forex t rading is possible, you can trade via CFDs nearly every stock or currency Depending of your bank. Forex tools. There can be a number of tools which traders use online for forex trading. While there are certain tools which are quite good and effective both for getting the knowledge and graphics for the trading along with the platforms to perform trading options and see the current ratios There are different benefits of tools and various forums dedicated to testing tools such as pro with the growing competition are present on which expert traders along with other people can voice their opinions for the effectiveness of these tools and how much they are dependable There are many tools such as the profit calculator, pip USD value calculator etc. Forex education Books Videos. Learning is quite important before you choose to do anything and where risky money and time is involved such as in forex trading then you have to learn a lot and be prepared for the chance when you take it. There are differe nt tutorials for different people such as the basics of forex, learning what are pips and quotes, the knowledge of the currencies a trader wants to trade is also quite important and decisive which can be learnt through tutorials There are quite efficient books and online tutorial videos available on website which can help you become a pro level trader and get big in the field of forex trading there are also a number of tutorials available on websites which guide the traders to make the best of the tools and software they are using for forex trading In short, online videos and tutorials are the holy grail of forex trading and if chosen correctly at the right time, they can get you to great heights in the world of forex. Online Video Tutorials. Leverage FX and Forex Trading are among the famous YouTube channels to provide people with videos on forex and its basics while Forex Club is a constantly updated channel which are quite few in number these days. The constantly updated channels of bi g companies or forums are a very helpful insight in dealing with currencies in the daily market, sometimes these channels and their videos are very helpful in notifying future changes in the market. Forex Books. Forex has become quite a lot popular in the past years and this has led to more books related to forex being published There are a vast amount of books which advise people on how to become successful traders in the forex world. Some of these books are worth your time and are good enough so that you can learn from them in an efficient manner but others are not so effective, with so many opinions and people giving their reviews it is quite an impossible task for any trader to read all the famous and recommended books before beginning to invest There are a few selected books which are mentioned in the subsections below which have been recently deemed as the best in the recent forex trading world These books work well and have been reviewed positively for people beginning their forex careers. Forex for Beginners by Anna Coulling. Forex for Beginners is quite a helpful book by Anna Coulling for forex trading beginners This book provides a good knowledge about various aspects of the forex market and is the third successful book by the author This book is often said to provide good basic knowledge to build upon further by traders in forex markets. The Forex Traders Handbook by Zan Kotnik. This book is a pretty impressive feat at introducing forex world and its basics to the readers There have been a number of favorable reviews by the critics towards the book and this book is considered as quite an easy way to get familiar with the technology and terminologies of the daily trading world. How to Start Your Own Forex Signal Service by Rimantas Petrauskas. This book is quite a good guide for beginners to build automated earning systems such that they can get constant profits and outputs through them This book teaches the readers the secrets behind making thousands of dollars each month even through the simple use of a demo account which is often possessed by almost every trader at the beginning of their career. The Forex Trading Strategy Bible by Michael Fisher. This book is quite informative and about the forex trading markets in the upcoming days This book is often regarded as impressive and important by the traders in the forex world to get guidelines as well as instructions before they set on their journey in the currencies. Top Forex brokers reviews. With increase in the forex market volume there are a number of websites on the internet claiming to be the best online brokerage firm Not only are they not true most of the times, the fake promises and false guidance set as a trap by these websites can lead you to purchase useless reviews and tutorials. Some brokers have lagging and unmaintained user support even with their high fee while other brokers who offered a free account and minimal competitive rates suddenly starts to shoot the moon with profits made off margins on your trades There are a number of disadvantages to many brokers and sometimes over hyped firms and improperly tested broker s can get you to lose money. In the quick running world of today you certainly don t want to end up at the end of any race and hence you will require a good guidance and insight in the best proven brokers in the recent past and over the years While each broker has certain advantages there are a good deal of hidden aspects to look out for also Sometimes extra fee and other times inefficiency in placing orders can cause you to lose money rapidly and it is of no use to constantly keep lingering on to such brokers just to get the money you had once lost. Instead of trying on every broker, there is a list of finely handpicked brokers who have proven their credibility over the recent years and are good enough to begin with in the journey of trading in the forex market These brokers come with different features and offers for the people and you have to choose wisely what your goals are and which broker you want to choose depending on your goals and strategies Always aim to invest smaller amount s in the beginning before jumping on to make larger bets as you can get to know any hidden glitches in the platform of the broker or your connection in the beginning stages only without facing much losses in doing so. Perhaps one of the easiest on the market, the easy-forex online platform offers a large number of unique features that benefit the trader Fixed spreads, guaranteed stops and negative balance protection mean they have the most transparent pricing of almost any other broker They re also the only broker to offer these trader-centric features on the MT4 platform. They re a great broker to start with as they offer a wide range of educational tools and videos, and personal relationship managers for support and training With a minimum deposit of 25, traders can start trading over 300 markets immediately including currencies, commodities, indices and options Traders can also track the status of their withdrawals online in their account. Operating in over 160 countries worldwide, the company has been around since 2003 and are licensed by CySEC and ASIC giving clients a high-degree of trust and safety Be sure to check out the promotions they offer. GFT Markets. Global Futures Exchange and Trading Company Inc was founded in the year 1998 This company has three offices in the United States and is registered and approved by various governmental authorities This is one of the largest independent brokerage firms and it provides traders as well as investors with opportunities and healthy options for the future in Forex world While every once in a while with the volume of customers they handle there is a complaint of delay or misjudgment but most of the other times this broker provides users with efficient means of trading and is a trusted broker for Forex trading. IFC Markets. IFC Markets is a product of the IFCM Group They offer two platforms namely NetTradeX and Metareader4 and prove with the option of two account types for both the platforms Minimum deposits vary from a ccount to account and can range between 1 and 300 Like most brokers, IFC does not levy any commissions but make money through spreads They provide the usual 24 hour customer service and are certified by government organizations The only negative aspect of IFC Markets is the website design which suffers from problematic navigation and confusing information locations. Alvexo is a global forex broker whose trading platform is owned by VPR Safe Financial Group based in Cyprus Their MetaTrader 4 platform is the most popular with foreign exchange traders because it contains a wide spectrum of tools and services They also have web and mobile trading platforms The minimum first deposit is 500 for a classic account Their spreads are highly competitive and their prime account holders enjoy the cheapest ones. They offer customer service round the clock and comply with all the rules and regulations. FxPro Group. FxPro is one of the biggest forex brokers and is trusted by thousands of traders around th e work They charge a minimum deposit of 500 and a maximum leverage of 500 1 It uses platforms like MT4, FxPro, Super trader and MT5cTrader and is compatible with Windows, web, android and iOS Although they don t offer any bonuses at this time they have the widest range of services available to their clients. For the highly advanced forex brokers who care about meeting those monthly targets and are seasoned over the time trading efficiently and effectively with being concerned about their portfolio as well The fee charged on the platform is quite high if the monthly criteria are not met by the traders which is quite irritating With a few factors to be improved on this platform overall proved to be good and quite efficient thus gaining popularity quickly among the traders. This is the largest forex broker based in New York and is a trusted name within the forex industry It uses a variety of different platforms which span across different operating systems They have a floating spread and ar e known for their tightness An account with FXCM can be started with only 50 A limitation with this broker is that they operate in the US forex market only so you will require another broker for other markets. Filled with auto-trading tools and software package for the clients the Avatrade platform is a unique and helpful way for traders to deal online in the forex market This company is a subsidiary of Ava Financial Ltd And comes with a software for the users The software provided by the broker is based on highly recommended MetaTrader 4 and is genuine and safe With a minimum deposit of 100 and a leverage ratio of 400 1 simple investors can smile upon big profits in no time but it should always be kept in mind that the greater the leverage the greater is the responsibility which follows. Loaded with safety and assurance to the investors for trading in huge volumes of money Avatrade focuses certainly on the security of the customers which is a good thing The company also provides support for the beginners so that they understand what they are investing their money in. It is named by the users as one of the most favored and efficient brokers available in the market as of present This platform provides with good spreads and the trades are executed at a far better level than the other average platforms Their platform is often regarded as user friendly and their instant execution of orders helps in maintaining their professional profile which keeps attracting more traders to their platform Filled with top notch analysis for the traders and offers and perks to benefit the investors this broker has often been regarded as highly efficient in the forex world. There are a number of prizes and certifications for InstantForex which is just an adding factor to the security of the investors and the large number of users of the platform also form quite an appeal in increasing the credibility of the platform The forex traders and investors can simply trust on this platform although th ey always have to keep a lookout for the risks which might be involved at all times. XGLOBAL Markets. Favored by a number of brokers in the forex market this platform has grown to grab the limelight in the recent years This platform is known to provide quick withdrawals for your profit in the trading, the platform is also respected for its lightning speed processing of placement and closing of orders given by the traders the account to all clients given majorly is one and the absence of swaps or commissions makes the experience even tempting for the traders. The spreads offered by this platform are most competitive in nature and commissions or hidden charges are not suddenly imposed or declared upon the traders There is no bound on the amount for minimum deposit and the platform welcomes all the strategies for trading including the leading Expert Advisors on the market which most of the traders often use and rely on for gathering information and determining their future trades. While being established in the 1990 s and being named as one of the biggest and influential forex brokers this website has quite nothing more left to prove its name for This website is also quite famous amongst the traders for its innovative practices as well as open and transparent pricing without differentiating between traders This trading platform comes with powerful sources with are easy to use along with support at all times through expert advisors. Among some problems named by the people the unavailability of Expert Advisors on their MT4 platform along with an improvement in the charts are the minor concerns regarding the website but other than that this website runs smoothly and can help beginners as well as experienced people in their forex careers very easily. Famous Forex websites. There are a variety of forex websites which deal with providing the facilities of trading to forex investors While some traders get on the better side of these websites some are often found blaming them for the ir bad decisions or losses In the below given section the websites listed often help the traders to gain profits from the forex markets with ease. With efficient trading facilities, this company is proving to be wonderful for traders in the current scenario As they are equipped with fast and reliable customer services and they deliver their services on time which help the traders to a great extent The customer support is the most important aspect for traders in the beginning of the trading world and a robust support is the only way to ensure their safety at all times. This website is quite brilliant in its own way as it serves different functions such as providing charts, analysis, financial tools, and technical data along with many more beneficial things to the traders The traders can rely on this website as it has been ranked quite well by the critics in the recent times and the growing popularity of forex with internet available every time on the smartphones, this website has grown mo re reliable and trustable. Forex factory. People who have been a member of the Forex Factory over the past years recommend it to all the other traders at all the stages in their forex careers This website has a good number of subtopics relating to the information regarding the manual and automated systems used for trading successfully by the traders There is a commercial section present in the website where different vendors can post to get feedback and beginner level traders can find expert and successful traders to help them. With different levels of support according to the trading help required by different individuals this website is quite reliable and helping in terms of forex investing in the modern day This website is quite recommended due to its rich customer focus providing them with regular and updated articles, tutorials, advice and a simulator which can be used for trading off the market for practice at any time. With good amount of information available to the users this webs ite is often regarded as one of the most helpful sources for beginners as well as the forex traders in order to excel The showing of too many ads on the website has been concerned by a few of the users but other than that the content of the website as well as its helpfulness for beginners has been emphasized by different users and experts as well over the time. Best Forex Brokers 2017.Forex Brokers around the world trembled when the EUR CHF decoupled and precipitated the crash of 201, culminating into one of the most destructive episode in the history of foreign exchange trading The crash caused unprecedented slippage in Euro and Swiss Franc currency pairs, bankrupting many Forex brokers and leaving a huge number of traders with negative balances Trillion of dollars were wiped out from the financial markets within minutes of the EUR CHF crash The following Infographic briefly describes the causes, events, market reaction and aftermaths pertaining to the CHF crash. Forex Brokers EUR CHF c rash. Copy and paste the code below to embed this infographic on your website. It is possible for a trader to have the best trading skill, run a string of successful trades in the forex market, and then lose it all to a scam broker who simply walks away with this money A look at sites like Forex Peace Army will reveal a plethora of cases where all manner of scams are perpetrated by shady brokers In one case, a brokerage was found to be a husband-wife operation located in the kitchen of their home somewhere in Eastern Europe When you consider that most forex traders will have to do business with brokers located in countries far away from theirs, it becomes super important to make sure that the process of choosing a forex broker is one that is done carefully and thoroughly in order to weed out the chaff from the real thing. Role of Forex Brokers. Why are brokers so important in fx trading Why do traders need to worry about forex brokers anyway. a Market Access. The forex market is structured i n such a way that it is not possible for a retail trader to enter the market directly Market access can only be provided through a forex brokerage account, provided by forex brokers. b Trading Access. Access to trade forex between the various market participants has to be done using any of the various trading platforms in the market This provides uniformity of trading access to all who trade the forex market, linking a trader on the buy side of the market to another on the sell side of the market. Brokers provide a depository where traders can lodge funds for trading, and clearing and settlement of trades which ensures that trading profits are added to the capital and losses deducted are all provided by the brokers back office desks. How to Choose a Forex Broker. The foreign exchange market still holds the record as the world s biggest financial market contributing to an average of more than 4 trillion of traded value each day. The brokers act as the bridge between profits generated by trade rs and the trading process An influx of these brokers has entered the market making it difficult for traders to choose the best from the lot. The second you start realizing the roles of forex brokers in any foreign exchange trading market, then you start analyzing your position in this investment strategy and your capacity to earn profits. A forex broker will provide the trading platform, clearing and settlement services, as well as, help provide the liquidity required to complete trades. The biggest challenge with forex trading and your endeavors to find a broker that will satisfy your interest is linked to scam brokers. The role of brokers in forex trading is a process that every trader needs to understand and accomplish. Without a forex broker, it would be hard for the trader to gain access to new markets Generally, the forex market is designed in such a way that it cannot simply be entered without a representative who in this case is your forex brokerage account. Another underlying cours e for traders to locate competent forex brokers is access to trading Trading platforms are essential because they provide uniformity on trading access Both buyers and sellers are virtually linked allowing them to transact businesses with ease. Funds are safely deposited in running brokerage accounts where traders can easily access them when executing their trades. There are several factors that new and existing traders can use in order to distinguish genuine forex brokers from time wasters or misleading firms. Regulation of forex brokers. Depending on the country at which the forex broker is based, there are varying regulatory bodies that the trader will observe to ensure that the broker is accredited to run such kind of business. Regulated forex brokers help in settling more than 80 of problems that could affect traders In the United Kingdom, all brokerage firms are required by the governing bodies to run segregated accounts These accounts are necessary because they safeguard firms against future unforeseen bankruptcy, thereby protecting clients funds. Regulation is important because it signifies the financial position of a broker and competence the firm holds into managing client funds Regulatory agencies are always on the frontline to ensure that forex brokerage firms are in line with these regulations by conducting regular checks. Regulation is also important in the sense that depending on your residence, there are brokers that you may not be eligible to use for trading The US, the EU, the UK and other parts of the worlds have differing requirements for traders. In the US, forex trading attracts strict regulation when compared to other parts of the world Forex trading is regulated by the NFA National Futures Association and CFTC Commodities and Futures Trading Commission In Europe, most forex brokers are licensed with Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission CySEC , whereas others have UK s FCA Financial Conduct Authority regulation. In the US, brokers are only permitte d to provide a maximum leverage of 50 1 on major currency pairs and 20 1 on minor pairs In Europe, traders can receive 200 1 to 400 1, or even more in leverage There are also brokers that are licensed to provide their services on globally It would be wise to choose the one that fits your bill well in terms of leverage expectations and legal status as per your residence. In addition, most brokers in Europe provide CFD Contracts for Difference trading while UK-regulated brokers can also extend their services to providing Spread Betting services In the US, however, trading of such instruments as CFDs and Spread Betting is forbidden. Forex trading adds to the long list of 24 7 jobs Many practitioners in this career path are always prepared to work long hours to satisfy the big list of clientele and thus firms operating forex brokerage services are required to provide the same kind of customer service. Regardless of where a trader is reaching out from, he or she will have unlimited access in t erms of talk time, live chat, efficient email response among other customer based service techniques. Generally, when choosing a good forex broker, a simple call can help determine how responsive they are and whether they would be in a position to provide excellent services with regards to waiting time before your call is picked, the representative s ability to answer any questions you may have on spreads, leverage, regulation policies among other requested company details. Any forex broker firm that prides with offering good service will be ahead on transparency Several traders have had a hard time in the past dealing with organizations that had made some necessary features in the platform inaccessible or inactive. At any given time, the brokerage platform remains the investor s bridge to global markets in the forex exchange For that reason, if the platform is not designed favoring the end user in terms of ease of use, it will affect the overall user experience hence rendering it unfit f or use. In other words, the trading platform could be designed in such a way that it opens trades that would provide minimal profit margins to traders This means that times when other competitor platforms are providing trades with higher profit margins, the platform would throttle any margin that exceeds a certain number For this reason, the users need to be extra vigilant when deciding on the best forex broker platform. The first step towards securing an online platform is through the use of a Secure Sockets Layer encryption, popularly known as the SSL If you come around a brokerage platform that is not secured with this encryption, then run away from that platform as quick as you can. In order to determine whether or not your broker has an SSL encryption, all you have to do is look at the browser section and see whether the URL begins with Without SSL encryption, critical trader information can easily be stolen and used for malicious purposes But still, this does not guarantee 100 prote ction. Some Forex brokers go a step further by providing a two-factor authentication process as a requirement for logging in This makes your account more difficult to hack by providing an extra layer of security. This is another important item that traders should look at when selecting their forex trading broker Nearly all brokers provide traders with the opportunity to engage in trading via three platforms a downloadable platform such as the MT4 platform, CTrader platform and Trading Station a web-based trading platform-many run on Citrix trading platform and then of course through various mobile apps mobile web traders. There is a little difference when it comes to these The only notable difference is that several brokers provide their Forex trading service via the MT4 trading platform while a few provide the services via CTrader platforms. Nonetheless, depending on which platform the broker has chosen to provide its services, there could be some key features unique to the platform For i nstance, the MT4 platform allows traders to engage in social trading using EAs Expert Advisers Others also allow traders to install custom indicators to refine their trading process. However, if you choose to use a web-based trading platform such as Citrix, you may not be able to engage in copy social trading. Trading Assets and Execution. You need to assess the trading methods allowed by the broker on the platform One of the most important features to look at is whether the broker offers guaranteed stop loss execution The stop loss and take profit features are used by traders to mitigate trading losses while at the same time capitalizing on every bit of profit taking opportunity. However, when the market experiences high volatility periods, the gaps between quotations could be large with short periods of time thereby leading to huge losses With guaranteed stop loss, traders are assured that their trades will only be executed at their selected stop loss and not the closest price quotation. The same thing goes for brokers that re-quote prices during high volatility trading sessions In such cases, it is good to go for brokers that have stated clearly in their terms and conditions that there are no requotes This can prevent you from unnecessary losses as well as provide you with profitable opportunities. Another thing that traders should look at in this section is the negative balance protection feature This feature protects traders from losing finances that are presently not in their trading accounts Ideally, it is possible that a trade could go terribly for you such that all the money in your trading account is won t be able to cover for it A good example is the EUR CHF flash crash of January 2015, which cleared the accounts of many traders along with broker accounts. Traders should also make sure that the type of broker they choose suits their trading needs Some brokers are nothing more but market makers, which mean that they do not provide liquidity by linking client trad es direct to the main forex trading market the interbank market where banks and corporate traders are involved In such a case, a trader would want to go for STP a Straight-Through-Processing broker. These are the ones that link the clients to the interbank market Others also offer trading access to the electronic trading network ECN where traders can see the best price offered at the moment as well as the buy and sell orders of other ECN participants These are the two main market accessibility networks offered by brokers As for market makers, they can be highly unpredictable, and even cases of trade manipulation cannot be ruled out. Although all forex brokerage firms offer great deals of currencies, not so many have the luxury of emphasizing on most considerable pairs For this reason, the chances of trading in liquidity would be almost inevitable. Major trading pairs in the market are USD JPY, EUR USD, USD CHF as well as GBP USD There are some brokers who would offer tens of currency pair s but miss out on the most valuable part, those that the trader would be interested in. Most brokers offer multiple trading assets aside from currency pairs It is possible to trade commodities, indices and various stocks on some platforms, especially those that provide CFDs trading. Depending on your targeted range of market, it is good to assess whether the instruments that you are experienced in are available on the trading platform of the broker you choose In addition, most of the brokers will provide different spreads and margin requirements for the various assets on their platforms Make sure that if everything else amongst your select list of preferred brokers matches, then things such as spread and margin requirements make the difference. Deposits and Withdrawals. A big number of forex accounts across the globe do not require huge initial deposits The reason why forex trading has maintained its position in the market is perhaps because the buying power is usually higher when compared with minimum deposits Accounts can range from standard to micro, all with varying minimum deposits. All forex broker platforms present differing withdrawal and account funding policies For instance, some can be funded online with credit cards, ACH, wire transfers or online payment systems such as PayPal The transaction fee may be charged by the bank, the broker or both. Best Forex Brokers November 2016. is licensed 092 08 and regulated by Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission CySEC The broker was established in 2006 and offers trading via the MT4 trading platform, a Citrix-based web-trader, and a mobile web-trader The minimum amount required to open an account is 100.HotForex This is an STP ECN broker registered in Mauritius The broker offers traders a leverage of up to 1000 1 and traders can begin trading with as little as 50.AvaTrade This broker is owned and operated by the same company that runs AvaFX, a widely known forex trading brand AvaTrade is regulated by the Central Bank of Ir eland and licensed by MiFID in the European Union It is also regulated by ASIC in Australia, the Financial Services Commission FSC in Japan, as well as by the B V I Financial Services Commission in the British Virgin Islands Traders can begin trading with as little as 100.EasyMarkets This is one of the few forex brokers that guarantee trade execution on the pre-set stop loss and profit taking levels However, these are only guaranteed for trades made via the web-trader In addition, this is only made via Inside Viewer and Trade Controller tools available through the web-trader. Plus500 This is one of the veteran Forex trading brokers in the market They specifically target clients based in Europe, and provide among other services, CFD trading Plus500 is one of the few Forex Brokers that are publicly traded at the London Stocks Exchange Public listing subjects companies to more scrutiny thereby making them a lot safer for traders when it comes to choosing brokers. By understanding the servic es offered by a given forex broker, you would be able to classify the platform decide whether it suits your interests when you start trading or not. Performing a bit of research and comparing one brokerage firm to the other would play a pivotal role towards ensuring that you choose the best forex broker, which in return will multiply your odds towards calculated positive returns on investments. In this endeavor, factors such as regulation, customer service, currency pairs, minimum deposits and withdrawals as well as commissions and spreads will all be featured in your research. Practice Trading at eToro Now. Copyright Risk warning Trading in financial instruments carries a high level of risk to your capital with the possibility of losing more than your initial investment Trading in financial instruments may not be suitable for all investors, and is only intended for people over 18 Please ensure that you are fully aware of the risks involved and, if necessary, seek independent financial adv ice You should also read our learning materials and risk warnings. 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